Recent Writings on Belonging & Performance

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We all want to belong with the people in our company, believe in the company’s purpose. To live from our values and strengths, and really join in our stories. To have the autonomy and ownership of our own practices, as we work to grow personally and help our company grow. Remote or otherwise, CEOs- just make it so your people can get a yes to these six affirmations, and watch your company change the world.
For SEALs, service and team matter most, and because of that, they pursue and practice excellence in emotional ability and technical skills in order to never let their teammates down.
Players with great coaches believe they can always be better. And they do better. The great coach keeps the space where failure is expected as part of progress and increased competence.
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This is where the magic happens! Nestled in real belonging our brains and hearts are free to focus on the shared purpose of our company tribe. Here, we naturally land in Unite & Fight instead of Fight/Flight. Our neurochemistry is flush with oxytocin and serotonin, the requisite chemicals for optimal teaming and focus.
You self-belong when, you feel, own, and care for yourself, in your successes, dreams, and failures, just as you would for the people with whom you belong.
Belonging lessens fear and makes our aspirations achievable from our pooled hearts, intellect and strengths.