Who Me?
I'm a guy who loves using belonging to get people living into their brilliance of their work & personal lives. We’re not meant to live a lonely dead life for 2080+ hours a year. And I might know what I’m talking about here. (Read More)
In service of that, I coach, I mentor, I choose optimism & do my best to learn what motivates each person work with in how they can fully live, be better and get into their promised land. For those really committed to making what they have GAS (give-a-sh!#) for happen, getting unstuck, and shifting to their extraordinary level, I'm their second heart and sets of eyes & ears, to help move them through their fears and deep into their aspirations. (click here for coaching offerings)
I’ve been a McDonald’s employee, a mechanic, a city L & I records worker, a child development counselor, a building maintenance person, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a house remodel-er, an IT director, VP of people and culture, consultant and a coach for executives & leadership and teams.
And over those years of education & work, I've had the wonderful fortune of people sharing their incredible hearts & skills with me. This allowed me to develop abilities and deep familiarity in the following areas where I love to help others:
Executive Leadership
Strategic Story
People Operations
Corporate Culture
Employee Engagement
Leadership Development
International HR
Behavioral Social, Psychological and Neurological Sciences
Agile, Lean, TQM
Our emotions either accelerate or inhibit our efforts. The hardest thing that we try to do- anything that runs into our emotional walls. And when that happens we get caught between the carrot and stick. The majority of our work world relies on influencing just two of our base hardwired emotional states: aspiration and fear. Then we in turn, design our world around these two emotions. But, there’s another, a third.
Well, we have another base emotion to work with, the so often neglected, belonging. It’s always happening in us too. And without it, the fear we experience is larger and more intense, and aspiration in anything bigger than our individual selves, ultimately turns into fear. When we bring belonging back into play with fear and aspiration, we come together and figure out ways to be *fawesome. Working together, we’ll get you on the good side of your fear and the great side of your aspirations.
[fôsem] ADJECTIVE (f*#&ing awesome!)
Coaching First, Then, maybe consulting
When finding what's getting in your way, or, what's got you or your team really stuck, coaching's a great place to start. Our work together, helps you hold the focus on the hearts & heads of you and your teams. It's surprising that most the time, you already have the answers or, they're within your reach. It's the simple and often difficult shift that's needed to feel OK, and then to act on your decision that's right for you. You ever ask yourself, "Why can't I get this stupid little thing done? Ugh!" You probably even know what to do. Often, and at this point, we’re focused on things outside of ourselves and become emotionally isolated and stuck. We see what we can’t do.
Contrast that to when we're focused on what’s inside (funny- that's the stuff in our control), we find that, we can do. In our work together we'll seek to connect you with your own belonging and why, and to care for yourself, and, give yourself trust. Your can-do on the inside enables your can-do on the outside. The best part about good coaching, is that you and your teams take full and empowered ownership over your own solutions. Coaching is about you solving it. You get the win, and, the momentum and confidence to take on bigger and better things.
You might notice that I mention "you", a lot. That's because, you and the leaders of your organization are the biggest impactors of your work environment. Not sure about that? Well, the majority of people quit their bosses, not their jobs. Your presence, caring, actions and inactions, determine whether your people naturally commit their hearts to taking care of each other as they solve your internal challenges and customer's problems, or not. Those organizational processes you impose don't make your people care. You do. You can be a source of inspiration.
Gracie hanging out with me in the office.
I'm more than happy to put on my consulting hat for you too, albeit, I'll still use a coaching approach. I find that asking the deep and inspiring questions, educating, explaining, showing and guiding, and then asking what will work for someone, works better than telling.
Over the last 25 years in education and work, I've had the wonderful fortune of people sharing their incredible hearts and skills with me. This allowed me to develop abilities in the following areas where I like to help others: People Operations, International HR, Company Culture, Employee Engagement, Behavioral Social, Psychological and Neurological Sciences, Leadership Development, Agile, Lean, TQM and Teaching. In my service with you, I'm more than happy to pass on what I've learned. Oh, I might be pretty good with dogs too.