Gift Professional Coaching one 2 Hour Session

Gift Professional Coaching one 2 Hour Session


Someone you know is happy with their coaching, and would like pass some of that forward on to you in a session.

Personal Coaching: 1-on-1 Format

I take their sharing this with you, as a gift to spend time with somebody who must be remarkable in their potential, and possibly a little stuck. I’d be happy to serve as your second heart, set of eyes & ears, for up to two hours, to help you in support and challenge to move yourself upward. We’ll work together to help you navigate your fears, belonging, and your aspirations. Often, some good work in area of how you belong, in the areas of where and with whom you belong, get you to go farther with your fears, and higher in your brilliance and aspirations. We’ll unleash some of your *fawesome potential.

In addition to the session, you’ll have two weeks of available touch points, starting from the time of the session. These can be texts, short phone calls, zoom meetings, and if we’re in the same locale a quick spot of coffee.

Oh, this is a no strings attached, no sales pitch session. It’s just about you.

Together, we’ll use approaches steeped in the social/behavioral and neurosciences, and adhere to the ICF professional coaching guidelines.


[fôsem] ADJECTIVE (f*#&ing awesome!)

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I’ll send you our scheduling link after your purchase. You’ll be able to grab time directly from my calendar that works for you. If you’d rather call me direct to set a time, here’s my phone number, 206-714-6113.